The Impact Of Textile on Nature

The Impact Of Textile on Nature

Fashion is one of the largest sectors in the world, which is doing serious damage to nature besides its contribution to the economy in many countries. There’s a whole other story behind garments that we buy. Ignoring the damage done to nature is the worst thing we can do for our future. Textile production plays an important role in climate change. Producing processes consume and pollute environment. The great source of micro plastics in nature is producing synthetic clothes. Polyester garments has more than double carbon footprint than cotton products. As consumers, we can stop this process with some changes. By extending life of our clothes, we can reduce waste and footprint. There are only %15 of people recycle their clothes. By raising awareness of this issue around us, we can increase this number if we become one of the practitioners of change. Fashion brands can protect nature by working to renew natural sources that they consume.

As Orimpex, we’re donating trees every year to protect the environment. We demonstrate our sensivity to the environment by supporting recycling and producing only organic garments.