Organic Cotton

Organic Cotton

Organic cotton is defined as cotton grown from natural seeds and without the use of synthetic agricultural chemicals. There is no use of pesticides or insecticides. But normal cotton is grown on the same soil over again and leading to unhealthy crops. Organic farming helps lower harmful emissions. It reduces pollution caused by use of pesticides in conventional cotton farming.

Although cotton is one of the most natural fabrics, cotton production has become one of the most dangerous and chemical used production area. The increasing production in parallel with population and its needs, causes health problems to the environment and all living creatures because of using chemicals. According to scientific researches, the chemicals that are used to produce cotton (synthetic fertilizers, soil additives, defoliants etc.) leads to destruction to water, air and soil. Consequently organic cotton production and organic cotton products are getting more important for our health and the planet. Organic cotton is sustainable choice. It’s a natural fiber which is renewable and better quality. By choosing clothes made from organic cotton, you can take one of the most important steps to protect nature and sustainable fashion.